A Tale of Two Programs
Book I, Chapter 1
The Period

It was the beginning of the best of times, it was the beginning of the worst of times, it was the age of Irish wisdom, it was the age of Gator foolishness, it was start of an epoch of belief in Irish Glory, it was the epoch of an incredulous return to useless swampland, it was the season of Weis, it was the season of Meyer, it was the spring of discredit and quiet study for Weis, it was the spring of over hyped glory for Meyer, the Irish had everything before them, the Gators had nothing before them, as expected all the Irish were going directly to a BCS bowl, however, the Gators were all going directly back to their mud huts in the swamp — in short, the period was so far like past periods, that some of the noisiest ESPN ‘authorities’ insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only, because it was time for the Irish to be back on top.
There were a coach, who some called a king, with 5 large jewels on his hand and a quarterback, who some called a Heisman candidate, with huge arms; running the show in South Bend; there was a bum, who some called an over hyped lucky *** with a large jaw, that many of his subjects wanted to punch and a team that played like queens without any spirit or discipline, at the throne in the swampland. In both countries it was clearer than crystal to the lords of the Universe had restored the loaves of victory and fishes of celebration back t the Irish, yes, things in general were settled for ever, the Irish will always be dominant.
- Taylor Creed
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